
Stay informed on all updates, added features and bug fixes to this website.

Various Updates
Sunday 05 May 2024

A bunch of changes have been made to the site, which include:

  • Fixes to building dimensions on a few event buildings.
  • Fixes to culture calculations on many ancient wonders.
  • Fixes to sorting of buildings in various areas.
  • Improvements to the way effects are displayed on many ancient wonders
  • The prosperity resource has been added to the city planner.
  • The prosperity resource has been added to building pages.
  • A prosperity comparison page now exists.
New Guest Race: The Vallorian Legend
Monday 24 July 2023

A new guest race, The Vallorian Legend, which brings the following buildings

  • Four cultural buildings - Two provide population, two are premium.
  • Four settlement buildings - One portal, one street, two production.
  • Two ancient wonders
New Guest Race
Sunday 21 August 2022

A new guest race, The Power of Music, which brings the following buildings

  • Four cultural buildings - Two provide population, two are premium.
  • Seven settlement buildings - One portal, three production, three boosters.
  • Two ancient wonders
New Guest Race & New Event
Thursday 11 November 2021

A new guest race, Revenge of the Exile, which brings the following buildings

  • Four cultural buildings - Two provide population, two are premium.
  • Four settlement buildings - One portal, one street, two production.
  • Two ancient wonders

A new event, Winter Magic 2021, is also available.

Various Updates
Sunday 23 May 2021

A new event, Sorcerers' Homecoming, is available on beta. View the release notes for more information.

The following enhancements & buxfixes have been made:

  • The research calculator now includes knowledge points in the remaining costs report.
  • Sorting on reports in the city planner now works correctly in all browsers.
  • Evolving buildings are now classified as their own type.
  • Production in evolving buildings are now calculated according to the stage set.
  • All wonder effects have been revalidated and should display as in game.

New Guest Race: Team Spirit & More
Sunday 11 April 2021

A new guest race, Team Spirit, have made their way to beta. View the release notes for more information.

Site Update

This website's transition to a newer engine has finally been completed (now version 5 from version 2). Although visually similar, a lot has changed under the hood. I wouldn't be surprised if this has introduced a new bug or two, so please let me know if you find any.

New Event: Elvarian Carnival 2021
Monday 25 January 2021

A new event has appeared on beta, called the Elvarian Carnival 2021, which brings some new buildings:

New Guest Race: Trades of Unur
Tuesday 13 October 2020

The Traders of Unur have appeared on beta

Click here to read the full release notes on Beta.

New Guest Race: Embassies
Tuesday 07 April 2020

Embassies have appeared on beta, bringing with them the following buildings:

  • 3 cultural buildings
  • 6 settlement buildings
  • 2 ancient wonders

Various bugs have been fixed, including the localization of German and English working correctly again (after months of frustration).

New Guest Race: The Elvenar
Thursday 26 September 2019

The Elvenar have arrived on beta, bringing with them the following buildings:

  • 4 cultural buildings
    • 2 are premium
    • 1 provides population
    • 1 produces mana
  • 7 settlement buildings
  • 2 ancient wonders
Big update
Thursday 01 August 2019

The long awaited update is finally here, which includes many changes across the site.

Although it mostly focuses on this site's underlying code migrating to a newer framework, it has allowed for many optimisations and additions to be made. A full changelog is contained within the full post.

Some Updates
Monday 29 April 2019

Sorry this has taken a while but adding a new dimension to building advancement through evolution was playing havoc with the city planner and its reporting but it should all be sorted now.

Feature: You can now specify the stage of a building from both the build menu and the right-click menu, and values in the report will calculate correctly.

Note that any plans created prior to this update will not have their stage correctly set, make sure to update them to see the correct values in the report.

Bugfix: There was a bug that causing some plans to not load, but this is now be fixed.

New Guest Race: Constructs & Carnival Event
Tuesday 05 February 2019

The Constructs have arrived on beta for you to play with. The following buildings have been added:

  • 10 cultural buildings
    • 4 are premium
    • 2 provide population
    • 6 produce mana
  • 5 settlement buildings, which belong to the new Contructs Set
  • 2 ancient wonders

Note: There are differences in values in the game files between the beta and live worlds, so make sure to switch to beta mode on this website.

--- Update ---

At the same time, the Carnival event is also available on beta, bringing with it:

  • 12 event buildings
    • 2 provide population
    • 7 produce resources
    • 5 belong to the Carnival Set
Royal Restoration Spell & City Plans
Thursday 03 January 2019

The introduction of the Royal Restoration Spell on beta significantly restructured the way event buildings are stored in the game. This resulted in the city plans on Elven Architect to become "corrupted" and it would appear like these event buildings were missing.

It's been a "major headache" for the Inno developers to implement this spell, and has been the same for me to ensure city plans are preserved but I believe that they should all be working again. If you are still missing buildings, please let me know.

Thanks and happy new year!

The Harvest Festival
Thursday 20 September 2018

A new event has landed on beta, The Harvest Festival, which brings with it the following:

New Guest Race: The Amuni
Friday 03 August 2018

It's been a while but the next guest race, the Amuni, have made their appearance on Beta. This has brought the following to the game:

  • 10 cultural buildings
    • 4 are premium
    • 2 provide population
    • 8 produce mana
  • 7 settlement buildings
  • 2 ancient wonders

--- Update ---

A few small fixes

  • Prestige is now correctly displayed as a percentage on the buildings' pages
  • Coverage for Amuni monuments are now correctly classfied as 'Guest Race' in the report of the city planner

--- Another update ---

Fellowship adventures will now reward buildings to the top ten fellowships. They provide population and culture.

Building Highlighting
Wednesday 25 July 2018

For a while now, one of the most popular requests has been along of lines of …

"Can you add an icon to buildings that have/need/are [insert building attribute here]?".

These requests would vary depending on what was important to the individual player, and implementing all at once would make for a very icon-ey plan, particularly on smaller buildings.

There is now a new map control called Highlight, found in the Settings popup of the city planner. It allows you highlight buildings that meet a chosen criteria, such as:

  • Buildings that provide population
  • Buildings that produce mana
  • Buildings that require a street connection to the townhall
  • Set buildings
Woodelvenstock Summer Event
Monday 18 June 2018

The Woodelvenstock Summer Event has arrived for testing on beta.

Translations should now be working properly again, although the French translations for the new event buildings will be uploaded when they become available.

Days of Music Questline Event
Wednesday 30 May 2018

The Days of Music Questline Event has been announced on Beta, which rewards the following event building:

City Planner - Advanced Reporting
Tuesday 24 April 2018

Important Notice: Version 1.54 brings changes to all event buildings on Beta, and many will provide different amounts of population or culture than it does on other servers. If you wish to see how this affects your city, switch to Beta in the language menu.

This update has been in the works for quite a while now but it's finally here. Although the report in the city planner hasn't seemed to change much aesthetically, it is now interactive and much more powerful, providing customisation and breakdown on all aspects of your city.

  • Customisable variables ( ) allow you to set values in your city that affect the bonuses and production of certain buildings. These include: culture bonus, completed provinces, battle squadsize, boosted goods, and ranking points for world map progress and tournaments.

  • Configurable production ( ) means you are no longer limited to only daily production cycles. It is now possible to set your preferred option on each building.

    Note: Due to increasing complexity, the ability to mix options has been removed for now.

  • Report breakdowns give you an insight to how certain values are calculated and how efficient each building is in that metric.

  • Added resources to the production report: divine seeds and sentient goods.

    Note: Goods are automatically shown on the report if you have at least one building capable of producing that good.

  • Ranking points breakdown has been recategorised to reflect the way it is displayed in game.


Bug fixes

  • Settings in the city planner are now persistent across all plans.
New Tool & Featured Sites
Tuesday 13 March 2018

This new tool has been ready awaiting polish for ages while work was made on other features.

  • Training Calculator - Experiment with different buildings to learn how many troops you can train, how long they will take to produce, and just how much it will cost you.

Many of you may know of these sites already, but it's worth highlighting them as a great source of information and tools to assist in playing Elvenar.

  • Elvenar Gems of Knowledge - Find all the Gems of Knowledge you need to play the game of Elvenar even better. Includes spoilers and guides for all levels of play.
  • ElvenStats - Import your city in one click with! They also have fellowship goods tracking, match-making, score history, and more.

--- Update ---

To take much of the pain and repetition out of planning cities, there is now a Macros feature in the city planner. It allows you to perform simple actions, in bulk, in an instant. These include:

  • Sell all streets
  • Upgrade all streets
  • Fill all empty squares with streets

Of course, this is just a start and more actions will be added over time, so suggestions are welcome!

New Guest Race: The Elementals
Tuesday 06 February 2018

The long-awaited guest race, known as the Elementals, have now arrived on the EN servers (with the other communities to follow soon), bringing with them new buildings, goods, and mechanics.

  • 10 cultural buildings
  • 7 settlement buildings
  • 2 wonders:
    • Sunset Towers - Rewards seeds and reduces seeds decay
    • Victory Springs - Increases light melee strength and quickens Training Grounds production

They can all be found in the city planner and buildings pages. The Light Melee Strength Increase has been unlocked in the battle simulator's advanced settings.

-- Update --

The event, A Valentine's Wedding, has been made available on beta, bringing a new building to Elvenar:

Robert Redbeard Event
Monday 08 January 2018

A new event has hit the beta server, the Robert Redbeard Questline Event, introducing two new buildings to the game:

Both buildings belong to the Redbeard Set.

Winter Event & Sets
Tuesday 28 November 2017

Details of the Winter Event: Three Glacier Giants have been released on beta, bringing with it the following grand prizes:

The event also introduces Set Buildings, which gain bonuses when adjacent to other buildings belonging to the same set. Note: The city planner report does not currently account for these bonuses, but will do soon!

And lastly, due to popular demand (and a pinch of necessity), a Donate page has been added, allowing you to support the site by various means.

Assorted update
Wednesday 18 October 2017

Just a few minor updates to the battle simulator:

  • Addition of a movement behaviour setting, allowing you to specify how your squads move in battle.
  • Corrections to the, now renamed, target priority logic.

The building comparison pages have also received a few changes:

  • Now you can compare buildings by the amount of coins or supplies that they produce.
  • All buildings now have a checkbox that allow you to select if they ignore filters and always remain visible. Very useful for comparing buildings across different filters.
  • By default, only 100 buildings are shown to improve performance in certain browsers.

Two new buildings have been added, which are rewards for the upcoming Halloween questline:

Battle Simulator 2.0 is here!
Tuesday 03 October 2017

Development on this has been on pause for a while but finally found some time to finish the next version of the battle simulator.

The old version had become horrendously out of date in terms in battle logic and only allowed for 1vs1 battles. The new version brings the following features:

  • Allows battles for up to 5vs8 squads
  • Damage and health increases from wonder bonuses can be specified
  • Try different tactics by changing AI behaviour of your and enemy squads.
  • A scoring system allows you to compare different army compositions or behaviour
  • A more detailed battle log that allows toggling of precise values
  • Improvements to the battle logic:
    • Better calculations on unit bonuses and debuffs
    • Unit movement and attack range are taken into account

Try out the new Battle Simulator

Eldrasil's Ascending
Thursday 28 September 2017

The event Eldrasil's Ascending has arrived, bringing many new buildings including the following grand prizes:

March of the Herds
Thursday 29 June 2017

Version 1.34 brings a new event with new buildings to the beta server.

A few changes of convenience have also been included:

  • Chaptered buildings now show icons instead of numerals for each chapter.
  • Filters used on the buildings and units pages now allow you to toggle all at once.
  • The Build popup in the city planner now allows you to search by name.
The Halflings have come!
Tuesday 06 June 2017

Version 1.31 have now arrived on live servers.

A couple of minor updates to the city planner:

  • Combined ancient wonder levels have been added to the Report.
  • All premium culture buildings now include a diamond in their icon.
  • The Show Street Chapters setting is now being loaded correctly.
The Halflings have come!
Tuesday 06 June 2017

Version 1.31 have now arrived on live servers.

A couple of minor updates to the city planner:

  • Combined ancient wonder levels have been added to the Report.
  • All premium culture buildings now include a diamond in their icon.
  • The Show Street Chapters setting is now being loaded correctly.
The Halflings are coming!
Wednesday 24 May 2017

Version 1.31 introduces the next guest race on the Beta server ... the Halflings. Things to note are:

  • The Trader now produces a resource called Divine Seeds. The daily production amount is affected by multiple factors dependent on the level of your Main Hall (Humans, Elves), so make sure to check there to see the modifiers.
  • Two new wonders have been released, but there effects are not yet available.
    • Temple of the Toads - Originally built to pay homage to all the creatures that protect the harvest, it has become a magic center for all heavy ranged units, increasing their strength in battle and attracting more of them to your town.
    • Elvenar Trade Center - This building will make every merchant jealous. The florishing trade relations will produce additional Divine Seeds and increase the duration and strength of the Magical Manufactoring spell.
Wonder Rebalancing (ongoing)
Tuesday 11 April 2017

Version 1.27 has gone live for all communities.

The following changes have been made to the Report on the city planner

Wonder Rebalancing (continued)
Tuesday 04 April 2017

With the release of 1.27 on beta, ancient wonders are being rebalanced.
To see the changes, switch to Beta in the language menu or click on the direct links below:

Changes have also been made to the Report on the city planner

  • The population bonus given by the Golden Abyss has been added to the Report labelled as bonus under population.
  • The culture bonus given by The Sanctuary and Martial Monastery has been added to the Report labelled as bonus under culture.
Wonder Rebalancing
Thursday 23 March 2017

With the release of 1.27 on beta, ancient wonders are being rebalanced.

  • Changes to buildings or units that existed only on the beta server was causing some confusion to players who play on live servers only. Therefore, they have been moved into their own category, which can be enabled via the language switcher on the top-right of the menu bar.

  • Menu and text translations on some pages are now working again.
  • The battle simulator is now working again.
Important Notice: Updated
Saturday 11 March 2017

The Elven Architect has moved to a new server.

The ability to save by creating a link has been enabled on the city planner.
The contact page is now working again.

Other fixes and improvements will be made in the coming week.

Important Notice
Saturday 11 March 2017

The Elven Architect is moving to a new server and although no downtime is expected, some users may experience disruption.

The ability to save by creating a link will be temporarily disabled on the city planner.
Links already created continue to work.
Other methods of saving will continue to work.

Moving will appear to take anywhere up to 24 hours, depending on your internet service provider.

Minor improvements
Wednesday 22 February 2017

A few quality of life changes have been made to the city planner:

  • The Build popup now shows basic information on a building's size and any population or culture given.

  • The context menu on event buildings (activated by right click) now allows you to change its chapter.
  • Updated German and French translations.
  • I'm aware that the contact form does not work currently and am working with the hosting company to rectify.
Game version 1.23 - Sorcerers and Dragons
Thursday 09 February 2017

Following the release of 1.23 on beta, the following has been added to the Elven Architect.

  • With the new guest race Sorcerers and Dragons arriving in Elvenar, buildings have been added to both the buildings section and city planner.
  • Two new buildings for the Valentines event, Gaelagil's Balcony (Cultural / Residential) and Burukbrak's Bridge of Love (Cultural).
  • Updated German and French translations with the kind help from players.

-- Update --

  • Sorcerer and Dragons now present a choice between cultural buildings that focus more on either Culture or Mana. So the mana index page has been added to help determine which buildings provide mana most efficiently.
  • Any changes in the Settings popup in the city planner are now saved across sessions.
  • German and French translations have been added for the new guest race buildings.
Hello, hallo, bonjour!
Wednesday 18 January 2017

Since the release of this website, one of the most frequent suggestion has been to localize the site into a user's respective language. It's been quite the task but I'm pleased to announce that most of the key areas of the site has been translated into both German and French.

Localization does not just include written text but the display formats of numbers and dates, too, so it should feel a little more natural to those players.

Use the switcher on the top menu if you would prefer to use another language.

2017 has arrived ... in case you missed it
Friday 06 January 2017

Having come back from a break (from coding more than anything else), the following updates have been made up to and including 1.21 on beta.

  • In the units area, updates have been included on units available in the Training Grounds, which includes the new Banshee unit.
  • In the buildings area ...
    • Levels and chapters that aren't currently available have been hidden. Only those up to the current chapter (Chapter IX - Woodelves) will be shown.
    • The filters on tables have had various improvements made to them, which should make them more intuitive.
  • Some logistical coding in preparation for the next guest race.

-- Update --

  • In the city planner tool, the Report sidebar has been improved:
    • Some metrics have been merged for readability.
    • Training size is now displayed.
    • The amount of coins and supplies used by your goods buildings and armories are now displayed.
Game version 1.18
Friday 11 November 2016

With the release of 1.18 on beta, come the following:

  • Two new wonders for the Woodelves':
    • Enar's Embassy - The embassy of the Woodelves, dedicated to the forest god Enar, slowly produces Broken Shards for Ancient Wonders and generates Mana whenever you scout a province.
    • Flying Academy - The flying academy is a famous pilgrimage site for mages. It produces mage units of your Barracks and increases the training speed of the Mercenary Camp.
  • Added levels to the Training Grounds.
  • Various graphic updates, those designers like to keep busy!
Minor improvements
Wednesday 09 November 2016

This is part 1 in preparation for a larger update, which includes the following:

  • In the city planner, tooltips for all buildings will now show how much population or culture that building gives. In the case of even buildings, the chapter is also shown.
  • A new FAQs page containing the questions I often get via email.
  • Missing levels have been added to various buildings.
Halloween is coming!
Monday 17 October 2016

With the new event now available for testing on beta, Halloween is coming! , the following exclusive event buildings have been added:

  • Scream of Halloween (Cultural / Residential) - A shivering Scream in picturesque but horrific scenery.
  • Daunting Pumpkins (Cultural) - A spiry formation of spooky pumpkins, awakened by Lord Pumpkin himself.

The city planner has a new feature:

  • Basic production reporting has been added to the Report. Certain resources will only appear if at least one building producing that resource is built (goods, orcs, mana).
Game versions 1.15 and 1.16 released, where to start ...
Thursday 13 October 2016

A large update has been done to the Elven Architect, with plenty to talk about.

  • The controversial battle redesign (1.15 ) has been released to all worlds, shaking up the way battles are done. As a result, some new pages have been added to this website:
    • A units area, containing details on all battle units available.
    • A battle simulator tool, allowing you to experiment with and familiarise yourself with the units' new strengths and weaknesses.
  • The next guest race, the Woodelves (1.16 ), have arrived on beta bringing with them new buildings and resources, which have all been added to the buildings area and city planner tool.
  • Production buildings now include the cost with each produced resource.
  • An extra column of expansions have been added to the city planner.
A bit of everything
Sunday 25 September 2016

The reporting feature on the city planner tool has had a few enhancements:

  • Coverage now includes a guest race classification, which no longer affects the goods or streets classifications.
  • The Settings menu has new options that affect the report:
    • Automatically refresh the report as you build.
    • Ignore buildings placed outside of the grid.
  • To protect against accidental loss when navigating away from the page, if unsaved changes are detected then a prompt will be displayed to confirm your decision.

Also, the buildings area has had some new additions from the beta server:

  • All buildings now have complete effects.
  • The new event culture building, Wonky Walter's.

New ancient wonders and premium buildings
Thursday 18 August 2016

New buildings coming in game version 1.13 have been added to beta and are now available in the city planner tool and the buildings pages.

  • Two new Ancient Wonders from the Orcs & Goblins chapter:
  • Two new premium buildings for all chapters:
    • Magic Residence (Humans, Elves) - Offers more population and coins than normal Residences.
    • Magic Workshop (Humans, Elves) - Offers more Supplies than normal Workshops.
Efficiency is an addiction (updated)
Tuesday 09 August 2016

So players can better assess which buildings provide the best value per tile on various metrics, new pages have been added to the site:

Note: This area has been released early so players can evaluate which event buildings are better saving their Moon Splinters for. Certain pages may be incomplete.

-- Update --

Optimisations have been made to the city planner, so most users should experience a much quicker load time.

Game version 1.11 released
Thursday 04 August 2016

Sneaking in a small update.

Buildings belonging to the event Summer Soltice have been added to the city planner, which can be found in the Build menu, under the Events tab.

These new event buildings do not have levels like most other buildings, but its characteristics are determined by the chapter they are obtained in, so make sure to choose the right one.

The people speak
Saturday 16 July 2016

Thank you all of your feedback and suggestions. After consideration, the following changes have been made to the city planner:
  • The version switcher has been removed in favour of always having the latest game version available, including buildings found on beta. Less clicking for everyone!
  • You are now able to place buildings outside of the grid to free up room to make adjustments to your city.

  • Inside the Save / Load popup, a city can now be saved as a link, which you can share with your friends or for use on forums. For example:

Game version 1.9 released
Wednesday 06 July 2016

Version 1.9 has been released on live game servers, which has had the following effect on the city planner:

  • The ancient wonders Watchtower Ruins and Thrones of the High Men have been added to the build menu.
  • The report sidebar will start to include ranking points awarded by ancient wonders.
  • When choosing your race, it is now possible to choose the target game version, which includes beta.

And a tiny bugfix:

  • The report sidebar now shows correct icons when choosing the Elven race.
It's all about context
Sunday 03 July 2016

Most work on the city planner has been about refactoring code to allow the introduction of some new features (now and upcoming).

  • Right-clicking (or CTRL + clicking for Mac users) on an expansion or building now brings up its context menu, allowing certain actions to be performed without having to change the current mode. New features include being able to copy a building or change its level.

  • To differentiate between streets from different ages, a show street tiers option has been added to the Settings menu.
  • Browser storage has now been made the default save method. Copy / paste can still be accessed from the tab on the Save / Load popup.
True North, Magnetic North ... and now Elven North
Friday 24 June 2016

Just a small update before the weekend, with updates made to the city planner.

  • Due to the ambiguous direction of North in the game's isometric view. There is now the ability to rotate the map, which can be found in the Settings menu.
  • Other minor improvements to performance.
Game version 1.8 released
Wednesday 22 June 2016

With the release of version 1.8 on live game servers, the following updates have been made to the city planner:

  • The ancient wonders Endless Excavation and Needles of the Tempest have been added to the build menu.
  • Some buildings have had their colours adjusted to increase the contrast between them, which include streets, armories and cultural buildings.
  • An alternative save method has been added, allowing you to now store your city in your browser.
Community launch
Monday 20 June 2016

The site has now made accessible to the rest of the community. If you are a new visitor, please note the following:

  • The city planner only contains buildings up to the live game version, which is currently version 1.7. It does not contain buildings that are only available on the beta server, such as the ancient wonders Endless Excavation and Needles of the Tempest.

The site is still in its infancy, however other features are in development. Please do get in touch if you have a suggestion or come across any bugs.

General improvements
Saturday 18 June 2016

In preparation for the community launch, focus has been on bug-zapping and spit-polishing, which include some of the following changes:

  • Cleaner layout for most pages, and removed links to incomplete pages.
  • A working contact form, for feedback & bug reports.
  • Increased support for mobile devices.
  • Various bug fixes and completed missing functionality on the city planner.
Launched for fellowship testing
Tuesday 14 June 2016

The site has launched and initially has the following features up for testing:

If you come across any bugs or have suggestions on improvements, please get in contact.